Thursday, 26 September 2013

Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci was a Italian Renaissance Polymath - painter, sculptor, architect, musician, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer botanist, and writer. He I famous for many painting for example the Mona Lisa, the Baptism of Christ and Virgin of the Rocks.

The piece I am going to talk about is The Last Supper. This painting is a late 15th century painting. The painting is of Jesus and his disciples at a table eating the last supper, this is the time where Jesus gave his disciples his body and blood to eat and drink. The painting shows the reactions of his disciples when Jesus told them that one of them would betray him. The painting has been influenced clearly by religion, Christianity to be specific. This piece of artwork is very famous all over the world, this could be to thee fact that it shows what Jesus would have supposedly looked like and it also shows the reaction of his disciples which was a big thing to happen (Jesus being betrayed by Judas.)

The painting is a clear painting and looks like it is a photograph. This is so the viewers can understand what is going on in the painting so get a real feel of what I going on in the painting. The painting is pretty clear about what is going on however, each disciple has a different facial expression which was used when they were told that one of them was going to betray Jesus. It shows that the disciples where stunned and appalled yet suspicious of who the person to betray Jesus would be. The painting has been set out so that the table is very long therefore we are able to see all the disciples around Jesus therefore, being able to see their reactions. The painting is 460cm × 880cm which covers a wall of a monastery dining room in Milan, Italy. Again, this is important because you are able to see each individual and what there face is conveying through there emotions. The colour scheme for the painting is very dusty, however this suit the time period and place where this was because it was very dusty, practically a desert, where Jesus lived. It also shows off how old the painting is as the colours are dull, the colours compliment each other as one colour isn't too much to take your eye of the actual painting.

Leonardo used greasy linen oil and egg based tempera, spread on a double layer of dry plaster. He started the painting in 1495 and finished it in 1498 (however he did not work on the painting continuously through out the three years.)

In my opinion I think that the artwork is a very pleasing piece, the work is done great and everything about the painting I perfect. The colour scheme work perfectly with the type of painting and what it is portraying. When I look at this piece of artwork it makes me want to read about what happened during this and after this. It also intrigues me to look at other Da Vinci work as through this piece you can see just how talented he was. I would use this artist as inspiration for my garment because this painting in particular is very famous and is very well executed, I could also do many things to make this painting controversial or stand out on a t-shirt.

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